If you don’t already know what “Hablo español, pero muy poco” means, we’re in some real trouble. Luckily this is a little cheat sheet for you to take to Cuba, where NO ONE speaks English, or any other Spanish speaking country! Here are the phrases I used the most while I was there:
“Hablo español, pero muy poco” — “I speak Spanish, but very little”
“Hola! Que tal?” — “Hi! How are you/what’s up?”
“Bien, bien, gracias, y tu?” — “Good, good, thank you, and you?”
“Estoy bien, gracias!” I’m good thanks!”
“Bueno!” — “Good (morning/day/night)” (Everyone just says “bueno” as a passing greeting)
“Como se llama?” — “What is your name?”
“Me llamo ____” — “My name is ____”
“Mucho gusto” — “Nice to meet you”
“Un placer” — “a pleasure” (also very common after someone introduces themselves)
“De que pais eres?” — “What country are you from?” (you’ll get asked a lot)
“Soy de estado unidos” — “I am from the United States”
“Permisso” — “Excuse me” (common whenever you’re passing someone)
Telling taxis where you want to go:
“Hola! Me puede tomar para _____, por favor?” — “Hi! Can you take me to ____, please?”
“Hola! Quiero ir a ____ por favor.” — “Hi! I want to go to ____ please”
“Cuanto es para ir a ____?” — “How much is it to go to ____?” *IMPORTANT
“Permisso, sabes donde _____ esta?” — “Excuse me, do you know where ____ is?”
Ordering/Buying Things:
“Puedo pedir ____ por favor?” — “Can I order the ____ please?”
“Me gustaría el _____ por favor” — “I would like the ____please”
“Puedo comprar una tarjeta de internet?” — “Can I buy an internet card?”
“Cuanto es _____” — “How much is ____”
“Quiero un Cuba Libre”
Other Basic Phrases:
“Quero un___” — “I want a ____”
“Queres ir/un __? “Do you want to go/a ____?”
“Es mismo” — “It’s the same” (they say this a lot)
“Es disfruta” — “It’s enjoyable” (ditto)
“Voy a salir” — “I am going out”
“Voy a estar de vuelta despues” — I will be back later
“Buscando a ___” — “I am looking for ____”
“Queres ir a bailando?” — “Do you want to go dancing?”
“Me das tu numero?” — “Can I have your number?”
“No tengo un cellular” — “I don’t have a cell phone”
“Mi celular no tiene servicio” — “My cell phone doesn’t have service”
“Hace calor afuera” — “It’s hot outside”
“Antes de ir” — “Before we go”
“Fui a ___” — “I went to ____”
“Voy a ____” — “I’m going to ____”
“Queiro ir a ____” — “I want to go to ____”
“Cómo puedo _____” — “How do I ____”
“Hasta luego!” — “See you later!”
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Spanish sure is a beautiful yet complicated language but as long as you can order a local beer and say thank you, you will be fine haha :D
Exactly! I'm pretty sure the phrases I used most were to order a Cuba Libre and ask to buy an internet card lol