Want to know how I get those awesome GoPro travel photos and Instagram shots where all you see is the back of my head and an epic landscape? I use a GoPro Hero 4 Black (or Hero 3 Silver and pair it with my phone using the built in Wifi, so I can see a preview of the shot before I take it!
Of course, I’ve also developed an eye for what makes a great shot, like making use of angles, lighting, and composition, but let’s get you mastered with the actual photo taking technique first! Once you get that down we can move on to fun things like editing with Snapseed or Light Room!
If you’re not sure what types of photos I’m talking about and just found this article about GoPro tips randomly, please have a look at my Instagram page, @mylifesatravelmovie, or feel free to peruse around my blog (please?).
For more Instagram photo tips check out 8 Tips for Taking Better Instagram Pics
For more information on GoPro cameras, comparisons, and travel photography gear, check out my GoPro and Travel Photography Gear Guide
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View Comments
Thanks for this! I am going to China tomorrow and I am taking my mom and dad's gopro to try it out... I can already tell I am going to love it simply from playing with it :) Thanks for this tutorial
I didn't get the GoPro but those cheaper knock offs and it keep disconnecting from the wifi. After losing my GoPro in the water, I don't wanna spend so much on a new GoPro. So any tips if the wifi doesn't work and I have to "guess" the shot. Advice on the angling of the camera - straight, down or up?
Great tutorial! thanks for the tips, thats all i needed to know regarding taking pics.. they do look in the same good quality on my phone.. but, any idea about the videos? i save them to my camera role and they look just as good.. but when i post them to Facebook or i check them from other devices (Mac/iPad) they look so bad :( am not really into editing and making some long videos where i have to cut/add/adjust colour etc which needs a powerful computer.. i would just need a 1 minute video that i can share on social media with my friends.. Any idea, Alyssa?? :) :)
Hmmm, have you tried increasing the frame size in the settings? I know the lowest/smallest frame is meant for mobile-sharing, and the largest ones are meant for computer-sharing quality... On the contrary, you may have it on a really high frame/quality setting which is too powerful for social media! There are also new GoPro editing apps that you can piece videos together in a really nice pre-made format in just a couple minutes! Try out Quik or for longer videos, Splice!
Love it!!! Specially the instahair tip?
How do you manage to keep your GoPro charged when traveling?? Do you have a ton of batteries you bring with you? For instance when you hiked the inca trail... You don't have a computer to recharge every night. Any tips would be appreciated... A dead GoPro while traveling is one of my biggest fears! :)
Haha, I'm glad you asked! I do, in fact, have two spare batteries for my Hero 3....and I also have the Hero 4, and in all honesty, I still come close to running out of battery! On the Inca Trail I brought all of them (my guide thought I was nuts), and for back up, I brought like 3 portable phone chargers because you can plug the GoPro USB charger chord into those as well :D
Thank you, great tutorial! I needed these tips, just got a go pro hero 3+, and taking it on a trip to the Olympic peninsula this Spring. So far, I'm having trouble getting blurry shots, which confuses me because it's supposed to be an "action" camer, I figured even I couldn't go wrong, but obviously I am! Also having trouble taking shots in low light. Guess I just need practice, but hoping for some great shots out at the wild beaches, amazing waterfalls and in the rainforest! Just a suggestion, you should head out there on one of your adventures, the Hoh rainforest is amazing and the beaches are wild and untamed. If you go, take bear spray, there are animals ?
OH man I would love to go to the Olympic peninsula!! I know what you mean with the blurry shots though...I almost cried when most of mine came out like that during my last trip in the Arctic :( Unfortunately the only sure way I have been able to get a clear shot is by using the remote with your phone trick. For low lighting, it's also difficult, but I always use SnapSeed to "brighten" the pictures (although they usually end up a bit grainy), while in the ice cave I used a head lamp and even the flashlight on my phone to shine light in order to get pictures, but that of course doesn't always work with big landscapes...
Love this! Great advice.
Love the tips... but was always wondering how your hair looked so good - ah, now I know! :-)
Does your GoPro have problems in cold weather? I know I can't be the only one...
I haven't had any problems, although I know my phone battery dies faster in the cold so maybe the same applies for the GoPro?