I have always thought the “Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370” actually landed on Diego Garcia; the infamous U.S. navy and military base in the middle of the ocean. Here’s why.
Just two weeks before my first ever solo trip, the missing Malaysia Airlines flight happened. One week before my trip, a second Malaysia Airlines flight got shot down by Russian military in Ukraine. This was not only unfathomable, shocking, and terrifying in general, but especially so because at the time I was broke AF and wasn’t about to give up that non-refundable flight.
I remember my mom awkwardly saying to me on the phone, “Well, it can’t happen a third time, right?” As my brain is thinking “bad things happen in threes”.
Long story short, I ended up doing what I considered “extensive research” on anything I could find about the two incidents back then. None of it made sense. It still doesn’t. Even with this new Missing MH370 Netflix documentary (which by the way I watched while in Kuala Lumpur recently, just before flying out on Malaysia Airlines on the same route as the one that “went missing”), still nothing makes sense.
Which actually makes perfect sense to me, as with all things that happen mysteriously in this world with no explanation, is that it usually has something to do with governments. And particularly, the U.S. government.
That being said, I have been extremely hesitant to write or post anything about my theories (which BTW is seriously JUST a theory), thinking the gov is going to make me disappear as well. But after Netflix basically said everything I say anyway, I am finally not as worried about it. However if I do disappear…you know why.
There are none. So let’s move forward.
Now this is a damn question. Because I am pretty sure we have extremely advanced satellite, radar, and tracking technology, that can do anything from find and assasinate military leaders with drones, to spot garbage islands in the ocean. If governments wanted or needed to find something. They would.
In fact, please name one instance in which the U.S. government said they were going to find something (likely that was a threat to the U.S.) and didn’t. They always do. Yet they can’t find a massive plane? I don’t think so.
This brings me to my next points:
As I’ve just explained, literally nothing can get past the U.S. military. So please, try to tell me that with all of their fancy satellites, tracking equipment, weapons of mass destruction, and highly trained humans, that no one noticed a plane making a ninety degree turn and then going off all the radar charts.
That’s actually laughable. Really? Come on guys.
I’ve been on hundreds of flights. I have met dozens of flight attendants, pilots, radar control techs, etc. I do not believe for one second that there was a two minute gap in air control workers where the plan just so happened to go off radar.
Because let’s not forget my first point; the U.S. military was in the area anyway. So any flying aircraft WOULD HAVE BEEN ON ALL OF THEIR RADARS.
A little fun fact in case you didn’t know; even if your phone is on airplane mode (or I believe even turned off), it is still accessible. Likely by the U.S. gov.
This would mean that someone (or a lot of people) would have had access to all the passengers locations unless someone went and physically destroyed all of their phones.
Moving right along.
A lot of people won’t like my theory, but I refuse to just let this off as a fucking Boeing 777 that went “missing”. That’s complete bullshit.
From the moment it happened, to the bone-chilling feeling of sitting on the airlines right after it happened, to almost ten years later and having traveled to remote islands, learning history of the U.S. gov, and also talking to veterans, I have formed what could be wrong, but also like… something to think about.
IF, and that’s a big IF… MH370 actually did make a sharp left turn towards the Indian Ocean, then my theory is that it was heading for Diego Garcia. The U.S. navy/military base on a beautiful atoll in the Maldives.
Why do I know about Diego Garcia? Great question. As a traveler who doesn’t like the typical touristy spots, I have a tendency to zoom in on the map and search for places I’ve never heard of. This was obviously what I did when I heard allegations that the “missing plane” went west.
Diego Garcia was mentioned very briefly in the Netflix documentary, but literally for three seconds. I found that strange.
Anyway, at the time of this happening, I was living in L.A. and wouldn’t stop talking about my theories of Diego Garcia. I must have talked about it a lot because I ended up meeting THREE former U.S. Navy people who actually were not surprised at all (or thinking I’m crazy) about my theory.
Go ahead and use Google Earth to look up Diego Garcia, and it’s proximity to Malaysia. In fact, check out this article from VeteranLife.com, which states that Diego Garcia is a top secret, active, U.S. military naval base, that is “used for long-range bomber operations, Special Forces staging, and the replenishment of both nuclear-powered submarines, and naval surface forces.”
They’ve also got a nice runway that would be perfect for landing a plane, and then hiding it on a top secret island.
UPDATE: Upon reading further, I have just learned that my theory is actually credible!
I’ve always thought the plane went to Diego Garcia, and according to this website, my theory was actually deemed credible (not mine personally, but in general).
This is because it was discovered that Diego Garcia’s landing strip was programmed into the MH370 pilot’s home flight simulator — something that was not mentioned on the documentary!
However according to that website, some claims are that:
That’s all the website said for their theories, but to me, if the U.S. shot it down for reasons that were legitimate; like someone hacked a plane to attack Diego Garcia so they had to shoot it down, I don’t think they would cover that up, because that would make them the heroes, and we all know how much the US loves to make them look like the hero.
Just in case anyone hasn’t noticed, whenever there’s an election, an economy problem, or the brink of war…something catastrophic happens in the world and distracts us all from even noticing.
I certainly was distracted. Weren’t you? Maybe the U.S. was low key trying to attack Vietnam or Russia. Maybe it had to do with elections. Maybe they just wanted to create fear to scare people from leaving the country and thus spending more there , while relying heavily on the U.S. gov for their safety. Anyway.
In my honest OPINION, I think the U.S. was trying to distract citizens from things that were happening above.
Then in my other honest OPINION, I think Russia thought that the U.S. was going to use a damn passenger plane to fill with explosives and nonchalantly, unexpectedly bomb them.
OH! This brings me to the second part of my theory;
First — In case you hadn’t heard about the second Malaysia Airlines incident, let’s go over that first.
Just under two weeks after MH370 went “missing”, Russian troops shot down another Malaysia Airlines flight with the same model plane.
That is NOT an accident. Like come onnnnnn again! Put two and two together with the two countries that are constantly on the brink of war!
So after this incident, my theory changed. And in summary it is:
The U.S. Gov was trying to distract both the Russian government, and all civilians of the World with the whole missing plane stunt, but I still do not know why, however my top theory is the fear-mongering marketing executive for the CIA is either really smart or a psychopath.
They are responsible for the plane, and I believe the radar was “shut off” or just allegedly not seen by them, and that the plane was landed in Diego Garcia. I think that the Malaysian government had to have been paid a substantial amount of money for being the scapegoat as well, and that there was purposely no U.S. citizens onboard, otherwise people would have been causing a bigger deal, and the airline would be out of business.
I’m actually not even confident that the people on the plane were real, however I am also pretty confident that if they were, the U.S. gov would have no problem killing them. Afterall, after now traveling to all these island countries like Palau, Jeju Island, and Papua New Guinea; I am learning SO MUCH about the secret operations of U.S. military in places most people have no clue exist. Easier to hide your dirty (bloody) work that way, right?
So I’m truly hoping the passengers weren’t real, and the families are actors, but that’s me being empathetic. And I guess also pathetic because I know war spares no lives.
Anyway, this still doesn’t answer the question of WHY the U.S. would want that plane.
Let’s first think about what the Russian military thought they wanted with that plane.
Ask yourself (or literally anyone), why would Russia (U.S. main “enemy”) shoot down the same plane model from the same airline that just went missing? Seems pretty obvious to me.
What connected the theoretical dots of my theory, is that Russia’s government, who is also the top advanced in the world, also would have seen where that first plane was heading. So let’s say they see the plane heading towards, or dare I say, LAND in Diego Garcia via satellite. Then they hear the news of an alleged “missing plane”. What do you think they’re thinking?
To me, they’re thinking; “The U.S. has a massive flying vehicle capable of mass destruction if loaded with explosives, and are going to catch us off guard by disguising a massive bomb as a passenger plane.”
Again. Why else would they shoot down the same plane.
I honestly wouldn’t have started thinking so much about the missing Malaysia Airlines plane if it weren’t for the second one going down. That made it extremely obvious it was a government issue.
So we already know my theory is that Russian military thought the missing plane was transformed into a secret massive bomb, so they shot it down before entering Russia.
Charred bodies that are unidentifiable, YET fully intact passports. Like who thought of this? Did they honestly think there would be no smart civilians (or travel bloggers) that were going to be like, “But passports are made from paper, and paper also burns.”?
This is where I started getting more questionable about all of this, including my thoery.
Did the U.S. or someone else fill the plane with dead bodies and fake passports to make it seem like Russia shot down a civilian plane? Was something else going on at that time that would have made this the ideal military distraction?
Final question is…what was the U.S. actually trying to hide and/or do?
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View Comments
I'm sure the second Malaysian airline had scientists on board and were about to attend an event in Sydney, finally finding a cure for aids or cancer, but they got wiped out along with their equipments
I believe that you will see debris on Ile Vache Marine a small island in archipelago that Diego Garcia is a part of. If you do street view on Google Earth and follow the trail from the beach you can spot debris. This correlates with the testimony of islanders in the Maldives that saw a low flying huge plane with blue and red on its surface. I have been looking into this theory since the plane disappeared.
True, there was this plane, that was shot down by the russians, i totally forgot. What a good idea to get rid of a plane....!!
About 20 years ago i have been very interested in crop circles. I have gathered as much information as i could and came to the conclusion, that some cropcircles must be made by humans.....
then again, i had watched loads of videos of people telling what they had seen, that hat made the corpcircles, and it wasn't human. i also came across tens of people who were telling, that they had seen aliens, and that they went to the government with the information. the only thing that ever happened was, that they where laughed at AND all of the evidence was taken away from them.
in my opinion most of these people were not meremy trying to get attention (though some were)
last month i happend to come across a guy who really (!!!!!!) told unbeliavable things on youtube. far off my immagination.
he says these things in different ways but is always consistant...
when i listened to him i suddenly knew, what they needed all the ingeneurs for! they probably didn't need the rest of the passengers....!!!
it all makes a sense..
the guys story:
Channel: Redacted
Video: MH370 Mystery Solved! The Shocking Evidence That Changes Everything We Were Told
-watch that podcast if you want the truth. the videos that were originally posted in 2014 are 100% real.
Your second Malysian plane shoot down theory over the Ukraine is bullshit. The CIA highjacked MH370 for the cargo is was carrying, military satelite equipment for Beijing, the US would not allow that to happen. killing passengers and crew is nothing to the US they do it every day of the week. Never forget that in human history only one country has ever dropped not one but two atomic bombs on civilians just to see what the effects would be, a country without ethics, morals or conscience. A country that faked the moon landing, hijacking a plane is a piece of cake for them. The worst of human kind ever.
Pretty sure I mentioned several times that the US wouldn't care about killing people so calm down plz.
update of flight MH370 !
One of the areas most surveilled covers the area around Diego Garcia primarily carried out by the US military the USA base on Diego Garcia includes top of the line atomic equipped long range bombers. Surveillance real radar and all other detection methods are likely to be used ohh great bearing circle around Diego Garcia including from the South point of the country of India to Australia and a huge circle with Diego Garcia at the center. There is likely no place on earth so well covered find the best technology that USA has.
Thus during the mysterious disappearance the commercial flight of Malaysian airliner, are you cool place to ask questions about where the airline was in flight and what happened to it should have gone to military authorities at Diego Garcia base. Nor suggested as a possible investigate the route. Given how well covered the USA is on the Diego Garcia base evaporates from there, it makes no sense why is that facility did not receive maximum attention and questioning about its scanning record during the period when the airline was unknown. The fact that Diego Garcia apparently was never publicly asked to contribute its findings where is massive scanning ability there's one to question the possibility of a black operation being carried out and that airliner being caught up in the problems as one of assumed to be applied.
Very interesting, there is a similar theory going around that the US military was involved and tested some new technology (new at the time) on the plane. This document has like all the science behind it, it's crazy. I really do think the US had something to do with it, but hopefully I'm wrong because that would be messed up.
you absolutely need to check out Ashton Forbes' investigation into MH370. His twitter (X) is @justXashton
he's got most of the parts of the story