Oh the irony that protrudes from the statement “You’ll never find a relationship if you solo travel all the time.”
I’m sorry, what? You mean to tell me that there’s less of a chance of meeting someone when you’re solo, and doing what you love? Sounds pretty opposite.
While I have to admit that it was hard to start and maintain a serious relationship while traveling solo (for over six years), I also have to admit that I wasn’t always single!
I met a lot of potential suitors, and even became known for using Tinder while traveling (which later became a sponsored deal!). I also had a six month relationship with a male travel blogger who I met in Bali and traveled with for two months straight. I’d have to argue that I met more guys who were “my type” while I was in my solo travel years than I ever have trying to date at home!
In fact, I also found A LOT of love while traveling solo. Love for myself, love for the planet, love for strangers who helped me out or simply said hello. I found more love than I ever did before I started traveling solo! And that’s what led me to also find my true love who I’m in a happy, travel-loving relationship with.
If I can find love, you DEFINITELY can. And that’s coming from the poster child of solo female travel who also thought she would be single forever! Just because you don’t see it plastered on social media, I guarantee you more solo travel ladies find love and are in relationships than you think!
You probably just think or feel like you’ll be #foreveralone because you haven’t found someone YET, or because of what other people say.
Well let me say THIS:
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Stop. Listening. To toxic people.
Tell that one friend you have who constantly says you’re going to be single forever because you travel to shut the f up. They’re likely jealous that they’re stuck in a boring relationship. Or that they settled instead of traveling first.
You have to stop and think WHY they’re so concerned with your love life anyway. Do they really want to “See you happily married”, or are they jeal that they’re not doing the things you are because you’re single and free?
The next time they say something about it simply tell them you’re busy living your best life before you have to turn into them.
We All Feel #SingleForever Sometimes
There’s two different types of people. People who are good at relationships, want to settle down right away, and are great at maintaining long relationships. And people who seem to have their head always in the clouds, wanting to travel the world, and say “screw you” to societal norms.
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re the latter type of person. Guess what? You’re not the only one.
There are THOUSANDS of us travelers, and yes it’s true, we aren’t as good at relationships. Therefore a lot of the time, we all feel #singleforever. Don’t worry though, you’re not alone. Just keep telling yourself that the next time you feel like you are.
Solo Travel Teaches You to Love
Before I started traveling solo, I had slim to none self love and appreciation. Once I learned how confident and badass I was, and how truly happy traveling made me, I developed an intense love for life and myself.
It is only with that new love that I feel I was truly able to love someone else properly! It’s one thing I always say, “You need to love yourself and love your life before you can love someone else”. So if you ARE single, just think of solo travel as “love training”. You’re simply preparing yourself to love someone in the future who is worthy of your awesomeness.
Solo Travel Makes You Not Settle
Face it, if you actually wanted to just settle down into a relationship, you could. But that’s not your style. You’re waiting for a prince or princess to whisk you away on a magical dragon, preferably to somewhere exotic or that requires a passport.
“Must love traveling” is one of the first prerequisites on your many dating profiles, and it’s weird when you meet someone not into it. Congratulations. You’re not the settling type.
Once you’ve experienced the amazingness of solo travel, you understand how imperative it is to find your perfect partner. Even if it is just because they always give you the window seat.
Yes, It Makes it Take Longer to Find the One

If it were easy to travel the world AND have a relationship, everyone would be doing it. But it’s not easy. It takes finding the right person, AND a whole lot of effort! Both are hard to do when you travel solo, but definitely possible!
But once you find that person who you’re able to maintain a loving relationship both when you’re traveling solo and together, there’s no looking back. Yes, it will probably take longer to find them. But with the billions of people on Earth, I think you have a pretty good chance.
I would know…it took me six years later to find mine!
Yes, People Will Think Something is Wrong With You
If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me “Why I’m alone”, “When I’m going to settle down”, or “Don’t you want to get married and have a family?”, I’d likely have a few extra g’s in my bank account. Or not, since I’d probably spend the money on immediately booking a flight.
Let me tell you a little secret. Most humans are not programmed to accept the phenomenon of change. It’s why most people follow societal norms of “Go to school, get a job, get married, have babies, and die.”
So when you go against those norms, people lose their shit. I’m not sure if it’s jealousy, or just plain inability to progress, but when those people lose their shit, they have no problem verbalizing it.
Don’t listen to them.
Just keep doing you boo, and if you’re ever in doubt, just know that I’m ALWAYS cheering you on to live your best life! If you ever need any extra support, drop a comment on my IG and I’ll give you some. I guarantee you’ll immediately see you’re not alone too!
No, You Will NEVER Regret Choosing to Solo Travel Before a Relationship
As I mentioned, there are BILLIONS of people Earth. Just because you don’t find yourself in a serious relationship when everyone else is, doesn’t mean you should stop traveling to do so.
Travel solo FIRST. Because there’s a good chance you won’t do much of it when you’re in a relationship!
I cannot stress enough how important it is to at least try traveling solo. If anything just to realize what you’re capable of, and that you don’t have to limit yourself to staying in one city.
Yes, it might take you a little longer to find a relationship, but I promise you, not a single one of us regrets the wait!
So go do you boos! Stop worrying that solo travel is going to prevent you from finding love!
Because if anyone is proof that it will eventually happen, it’s me — a six year solo traveler who thought I’d be #foreveralone, and is now going on a year with my boyfriend, with plans to become nomadic together soon!
Great article! I completely agree you should travel alone at least once a year. You will be more confident, you will learn new things to do as you will give the entire time to yourself, you will be free from all worries.
Agree for sure!!! It’s like a personal vacation!
I love solo travel! That is how I discovered my self, and the world around us. In my book, Citizen of the World, I vulnerably share what it’s like to travel solo. I had traveled to South America to find myself, but I ended up pregnant. What did I do?! Through my story, you will see the hardships of traveling solo, but with every hardship there is a silver lining! Check it out for yourself at https://citizenofd.world/
Never be afraid to travel solo as it’s a magical experience with yourself!
Oh wow!! What a story!! I love all of it!
i like your posts so much i have visted once
Thank you!
Great article!
Think I’ve travelled alone more than with people
there is a lot of freedom in doing that.
Great blog!!
Same here! I went to about 80 out of my 104 countries visited so far alone! It’s a completely different experience!
the pictures are beautiful and attractive it tends me to travel solo
Thank you! You should try it!
My God! You go to beautiful places, I feel like dropping everything and going out into the world
Do it!!!
Nice article. this is a great source of inspiration and tips for travelers
Thanks for reading!