Basically everything you could ever want or need to know about what to do in and out of Havana, Cuba! Includes local tips, secrets, directions, and more!

Basically everything you could ever want or need to know about what to do in and out of Havana, Cuba! Includes local tips, secrets, directions, and more!
Cuba might not strike you as the safest place to be traveling solo, but after walking around Havana and the beaches by myself for two weeks, I can say that I really wasn't worried the whole time.
By Alyssa Ramos (Note: Sorry if these posts seem rushed or have any errors or missing links – I only get one hour of wifi per day in Cuba!) Sometimes doing your research really pays off. While brushing up on my extremely rusty history of the Revolucion, and gawking at photos of Che on the flight to Cuba, something stuck out to me that no one had mentioned while...