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Tag - lucky

Not So Lucky in Ireland

Not So Lucky in Ireland

I won’t go into full details since they’re pretty terrible, but let’s just say I had really bad luck in Dublin, Ireland… As in, I ended up breaking up with someone and fleeing the country a few days early. But before that, when I was still trying to make the best of it, I went off on my own, which was terrifying at the time, but now that...

Miracle at Malibu Wines

Miracle at Malibu Wines

by Alyssa Ramos No, the miracle at Malibu Wines was not that there was a fountain of wine, but it was what happened after the head on collision with a motorcycle and a Prius that I saw as I walked up on Sunday afternoon. I wasn’t sure if writing about the incident would be appropriate at first, but I’m way too thankful for the people who happened to be...