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barcelona quarantine

Journal: Freezing My Eggs in Barcelona

This was me in Barcelona in 2020, where I spent 3 months of quarantine without being allowed to leave the apartment except for groceries. Many people came out of lockdown with a human baby… I wrote an entire book, baby. And now I’m back 3 years later still not ready for a baby, so I’m freezing my eggs! Like many of us women, when I was younger, I...

how to get financial freedom and travel more casitalyssa tulum mylifesamovie.com

Tulum Digital Nomad Experience at CasitAlyssa

If you’ve ever said you want to live my life, here’s your chance to have the ultimate Tulum digital nomad experience at CasitAlyssa! My new part-time home in the Mexican riviera! Right now I am not listing my home on Airbnb or other websites, because I want to offer it to my readers and followers, and those who really want to experience what it’s...

My Book: ‘Yes, I’m a Woman, and I’m Traveling Alone’

Words CAN describe how excited I am to have finally written my first book, because, well, I WROTE A BOOK! Based on feedback from some sample chapters I wrote for what will be my second book, I learned most people wanted know the very very beginning of my story. Of how I first started traveling solo, and how I became one of the first “solo female travel social...

mexico real estate tribe

Mexico Real Estate Seminar and Tribe!

Hola and bienvenidos to the informational page for my free Mexico real estate seminar and access to my travel tribe community where we can all chat about this fun stuff together! After the seminar you find links to my full guide, the recorded video, and the listings I have seen so far, plus others in higher price ranges. You will also be able to find the forms to...