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How Do You NOT Afford to Travel?

How Do You Not Afford to Travel?

by Alyssa Ramos

Everyone is always trying to find the cheapest ways to travel, or complaining that they can’t travel because they can’t afford it, OR my personal favorite, questioning me about how I do afford it. Well, it might be your own fault that you can’t afford it, especially if you have expensive taste for handbags or fancy dinners.

Even if you aren’t spending obscene lump sums on single purchases, all those little stops at Starbucks, weekend shopping trips, and taxi fares can really start to add up, when they really don’t have to. In fact, most people are so focused on the saving money by gaining money method, that they don’t realize how much unnecessary spending they are doing that could be going towards their empty travel savings piggy bank.

Want to know how I can afford to travel so much? I don’t spend my money on anything besides rent, food, wine, car and health insurance (that’s right, I’m responsible as well!). The rest of it all goes towards traveling. I also work a lot, just like you, and put time into finding the cheapest ways to travel with.

I’ve got the whole “how to afford to travel” thing down, so now let’s figure out how you “can’t” afford to travel.

1. You Suck at Saving

How Do You Not Afford to Travel?

Don’t feel bad, I’m pretty sure no one is actually good at saving money. BUT, if you actually put effort into it…or lock yourself out of your savings account…you can probably save up enough to travel for a week in about six months.

I take a certain amount out of every pay check I get and put it immediately into my savings (AKA travel) account. I also suck at saving money so I went ahead and locked my account and made it so the funds can only be touched after a certain date.

2. You Buy Expensive Things

1 Chanel Purse = 1 Plane Ticket Around the World

What would you rather have, a purse or a plane ticket? If the answer is purse, you’re going to have a really tough time ever being able to afford to travel. All I see when I look at a $2000 price tag on a designer purse is a $2000 plane ticket that could probably get me around the world.

If you really want to be able to afford to travel, put anything that’s over $100 back on the shelf, and put that money in your travel piggy bank instead.

3. You Buy Unnecessary Things

I Would Love a 3d Pen to Make a 3d Dinosaur...but I Would Love a Plane Ticket to Peru More.
I would love a 3D pen to make a 3D dinosaur…but I would love a plane ticket to Peru more.

Nobody actually needs an iWatch, or half the shit you order on Amazon or Groupon that end up being crappy or never used. But if you keep buying unnecessary items that slowly subtract from your bank account, you’re not going to be able to afford to travel. Then you’re probably going to complain about not being able to afford to travel, while you sit on your couch drinking wine out of that new self-chilling wine glass you bought, while watching Netflix on your Apple TV.

4. You Don’t Consider Other Ways to Make Money

While You're dilly dallying at your 9-5 or watching TV after work, you could be doing extra work to earn money to travel
While you’re dilly dallying at your 9-5 or watching TV after work, you could be doing extra work to earn money to travel

9-5’ers loovveeee to question me about how I afford to travel, since apparently being freelance “isn’t a real job”. Well, not only is it a real job, but it’s an extremely flexible job that allows me to work for multiple people or companies whenever I want. If I want to make a little extra travel money, I’ll pick up another job.

Just because your work hours are enforced, doesn’t mean you can’t do other things outside of them. I’d say on average I work ten hours or more per day, and work for three other clients not including my own stuff. It IS possible to make extra money online, you just need to make the time to do it. Check out sites like Fiverr.com, Upwork.com, or even Craigslist jobs for a ton of online work opportunities.

5. You’re Terrified of Debt


I didn’t get a credit card until literally a few months ago. I was so proud of the fact that I don’t owe anyone any money that I just kept buying things with money I already had, not realizing the benefits of using credit, and the idea that I was sometimes turning down travel opportunities because I couldn’t afford them.

I’m still probably using my credit cards wrong (I buy things then immediately pay them off), but they’ve allowed me to not only gain credit, and a ton of travel reward points, but also have encouraged me to take the trips I want to take now, and worry about paying them off when I’m older and not as adventurous later.

6. You’re Terrified of “Losing” Money


If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, “What if I spend all this money on this trip and then it sucks”, than that’s a big reason why you probably think you can’t afford to travel. In case you haven’t seen this little quote all over social media, “You can always make more money”, you can’t always make more experiences.

Plus, once you start traveling, you’ll realize that experiences are much more valuable than any dollar amount.

7. You Don’t Research Affordable Travel Options

There Are Cheaper Ways!
There ARE cheaper ways!

Traveling is not cheap. But it also doesn’t have to be insanely expensive. Everyone wants affordable travel options, but they usually want it to just magically appear for them on a silver platter. Well get in line, sweetie. And be prepared to wait a while.

In case you haven’t heard about this useful little thing called the Internet, it works wonders for just about anything, including researching cheap travel websites, flights, hotels, etc. You’re on one right now! I always write about ways to travel cheap, because I know first hand that it’s possible!

8. You’re Not Willing to Downgrade

You Can Still Go to Fancy Hotels Without Actually Staying at Them...
You can still go to fancy hotels without actually staying at them…

Oh you don’t want to travel in coach, or stay at anything less than a four star hotel? Well have fun not going anywhere, and while you’re at it, stop complaining about not being able to afford to travel. Getting somewhere and where you sleep shouldn’t be your main concern when it comes to spending money on a trip. The important thing is actually being there and seeing the sites and culture, which will only happen if you actually get there.

I personally try to avoid having to stay at a hostel or crappy hotel if I can afford to, but there have definitely been times when that was the only option.

9. You’re Saving for the Future

Who Would You Rather Be? the Young People Traveling or the Annoyed Parent Traveling?
Who would you rather be? The young people traveling or the annoyed parent traveling?

I hear this one a lot as well. You can’t afford to travel right now, because you’re saving money for a house, and kids, and a sailboat, and a golf membership. I’m sorry, but did you consider that you’re never going to be young and able to travel without worrying about other people soon? I really don’t get why late 20’s/early 30’s people are trying to save for the future instead of living in the present.

Plus, do you have any idea how much valuable knowledge, skills, and character traits you gain when you travel? It adds an entirely new perspective to life which will only help you more in the future!

10. You Really Don’t Have Any Money


If after considering all of the above, you still don’t have enough money to travel, it might be time to find a better job. A lot of people are underpaid, and know they’re underpaid, but are too scared to ask for a raise, or try looking for a better paying job.

If that’s the case, than I suggest  quitting your job, maybe getting TEFL certified,and moving to Thailand to teach English.

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Alyssa Ramos
Alyssa Ramos of @MyLifesATravelMovie is one of the original Solo Female Travel Blogger/influencers for 11+ years! She's been to 140+ Countries, all 7 Continents, 7 World Wonders, 7 Wonders of Nature, and has climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro and Everest Basecamp! Alyssa is also the original creator of Influencer-Hosted Group Trips, and hosts 4-5 adventures per year to unique, remote, and stereotypical "dangerous" places. Tap the Group Trips tab to learn more! After being fully nomadic for 8 years, she now owns an apartment in Tulum and lives part time in Italy with her fiance.

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