The Philippines was freaking beautiful...I just wasn't a fan of constantly being asked, "Are you alone?" or "Where's your boyfriend?"

The Philippines was freaking beautiful...I just wasn't a fan of constantly being asked, "Are you alone?" or "Where's your boyfriend?"
Aside from “How do you make money to travel so much?”, and “If you’re traveling solo, who’s taking the picture?”, the next most common question I get asked is, “Why do you choose to travel solo?” My immediate logical response is usually something along the lines of, “Because if I want to go somewhere, I just buy a...
by Alyssa Ramos Unless you’re purposely trying to be alone, or on a deserted island, the chances of you actually being alone when you travel solo are quite skinny. I’m not saying that you’re always going to have a buddy that you know around, but I am saying that it’s really not that hard to strike up a conversation with a potential new buddy...