Basically everything you could ever want or need to know about what to do in and out of Havana, Cuba! Includes local tips, secrets, directions, and more!

Basically everything you could ever want or need to know about what to do in and out of Havana, Cuba! Includes local tips, secrets, directions, and more!
I might get black listed for this. By Alyssa Ramos Despite what a large majority of people may think, I do not like going to nightclubs. I’m like the oldest 25 year old in the world, and would much rather go to charity event and be in bed by 12 than set foot in the coolest nightclub in the world. Well, maybe not in the world, because if it were in another...
I need to learn how to dance ASAP. by Alyssa Ramos Yesterday I got to dance with the stars! Well not really. I can’t dance. But they did offer! And I did get to watch them dance, and more importantly got to gaze longingly into Brant Daugherty‘s (@brantdaugherty) ice blue eyes. Sigh. If I wasn’t half drunk and hadn’t of looked like complete...