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Tag - dinner

TAO Downtown NYC

TAO Downtown NYC – Dinner and a Party

If you’re looking for a fun, trendy place for dinner in NYC, you should definitely check out the new TAO Downtown. After making your way past the intimidating doormen, coat check, and hostess stand, you’ll find yourself in what seems like a dinner party that The Great Gatsby would throw. Heart-thumping music, chatter, laughter, and silverware clinking on...

The Easiest Way to Make Cauliflower-Crust Pizza

by Alyssa Ramos I don’t necessarily have the time, patience, or appropriate supplies that most recipes I found call for, so I improvised, and the results were ridiculously amazing! Here are step-by-step instructions using my promo-model Mixie. 1.Gather your ingredients: 1 Cauliflower head Shredded Mozzarella 1 egg Olive Oil Pizza Sauce Salt & Pepper Garlic...