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Tag - dtr

A Perfect Day in Camps Bay

A Perfect Day in Camps Bay

by Alyssa Ramos Not even a Disney movie could have compared to my perfect day in Camps Bay, so I guess I could say that that day, My Life Was A Disney Movie. I mentioned in my very first blog post about living in Muizenberg, South Africa for the week I volunteered with IVHQ and Dreams to Reality that I realized the first day there that there were a few “trip...

What to Pack for IVHQ South Africa

What To Pack for Volunteering in South Africa

by Alyssa Ramos It’s hard to know what to pack for a place you’ve never been to before, especially somewhere a lot different than your home. Sure, you can look up a generic packing list, but it’s a lot more useful to ask someone who has been there! Before my IVHQ South Africa trip, I contacted other bloggers in Cape Town (see Blogger Guides) to ask...

Surfing in South Africa - IVHQ Surf Program

Surfing in South Africa – IVHQ Surf Program

by Alyssa Ramos WEDNESDAY PM Wednesday was my fourth day in Muizenberg, South Africa, and the day that the unthinkable happened. After volunteering at Christian David Primary School, I hopped into Karl’s van along with the rest of the volunteers like usual, except for one that wasn’t usually there. Mr. TDH. He had mentioned that the IVHQ Surf Program...

Volunteering in South Africa

Volunteering in South Africa Day 2: Teaching & Learning

TUESDAY VOLUNTEERING Tuesday morning in Muizenberg, South Africa was even colder than Monday since the icy rain drizzle was still lingering from the downpour the night before. They really weren’t joking when they said bring things to layer. I put on a pair of leggings, skinny jeans, fuzzy socks, my new gangsta boots, a knitted head warming thing, a tank top, a...