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Tag - dubai

15 Affordable International Trips to Take in 2015

15 Affordable International Trips to Take in 2015

by Alyssa Ramos Traveling really isn’t as ridiculously expensive as you think, in fact there are plenty of affordable international trips you can and SHOULD take in 2015. Let’s get one thing clear first – if you suck at planning and that’s why you end up paying a shit ton of money when you travel, than that’s your fault. There IS a...

Volunteering in South Africa

Volunteering in South Africa Day 2: Teaching & Learning

TUESDAY VOLUNTEERING Tuesday morning in Muizenberg, South Africa was even colder than Monday since the icy rain drizzle was still lingering from the downpour the night before. They really weren’t joking when they said bring things to layer. I put on a pair of leggings, skinny jeans, fuzzy socks, my new gangsta boots, a knitted head warming thing, a tank top, a...