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Tag - expat

How to Vote from Abroad: 3 EASY Steps!

How to Vote from Abroad: 3 EASY Steps!

Whether you are a U.S. Citizen living overseas, or will simply be traveling on election day, here are the 3 easy steps for how to vote abraod! I cannot emphasize enough how crucial it is that all of us travelers VOTE! The future of the Earth, World Peace, and the well-being of our fellow American’s depends on it! We need to get the racist, misogynistic, lying...

how to live abroad

Project Expat: American Living in Italy

I’ve traveled to 83 countries across all 7 continents, and in each place I try to highlight the local people in an effort to show others (especially in the U.S.) that despite stereotypes and what we hear, the World, and it’s people are not as dangerous and different as we think. I’ve gone to Jordan, Egypt, and Morocco by myself to visually show that it’s Ok for a...