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Tag - famous

10 Famous Movies Filmed in Iceland

10 Famous Movies Filmed in Iceland

by Alyssa Ramos Iceland is probably the best place in the World to film movies because it looks like something you’d see straight out of one. Some say it looks like the end of the World, other’s say it looks like it’s from another world, I say it’s freaking magical and awesome, and made me feel like I was in Walter Mitty the entire time I was...

Treats! Magazine Halloween Party 2014

Treats Magazine Halloween Party 2014

by Alyssa Ramos As expected, Halloween in Hollywood this year was another major production, especially for the Treats! Magazine party that happened last Friday at the historic Los Angeles Theater in Downtown LA. The star-studded event was also in partnership with Utsinger Entertainment, and sponsored by Absolut Elyx and Curbstand, occupied all three floors of the lux...

Nozawa Bar in Sugarfish – Beverly Hills

by Alyssa Ramos  Chances are that if you live in LA, frequent LA, or are a food connoisseur, you have heard of the legendary Chef Nozawa and his ridiculously amazing restaurant chain of the best sushi you’ll ever eat, Sugarfish. I knew the story behind Chef Nozawa, I was told it many times when I visited the Sugarfish in Studio City (the original location)...

OK! Magazine’s Pre-Oscar Party 2014

Live from the Red Carpet!…me having an anxiety attack.Tonight as I waited patiently in the Media & Talent area for my client, trying and succeeding at entertaining myself with every social media app, text convo, and Buzzfeed article I could find on my phone to make myself seem preoccupied, I noticed the few celebs that I could actually recognize, some...

Villa Blanca, Beverly Hills

by Alyssa Ramos Villa Blanca is as prestigious, classy, and tasteful as the famed Beverly Hills roads it resides on. You may have caught a glimpse of it on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills since it’s owned by Real Housewife vixen Lisa Vanderpump and her adorably witty husband Ken Todd, but seeing it on screen merely does the place the justice it deserves...

Dancing With The Stars Rehearsal

I need to learn how to dance ASAP. by Alyssa Ramos Yesterday I got to dance with the stars! Well not really. I can’t dance. But they did offer! And I did get to watch them dance, and more importantly got to gaze longingly into Brant Daugherty‘s (@brantdaugherty) ice blue eyes. Sigh. If I wasn’t half drunk and hadn’t of looked like complete...