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Tag - hamptons

Soho Desert House Sponsored by Bacardi – Coachella 2014

by Alyssa Ramos The feeling of prestige and exclusivity you get when you walk into any Soho House was perfectly replicated at the pop-up Soho Desert House at a private estate in La Quinta during Coachella last weekend for the second year in a row. Sponsored by Bacardi, the House offered members and invited guests everything they could possibly need to relax and...

#TBT That Time I Accidentally Moved to LA

I hear it’s normal to visit LA and never go home… by Alyssa Ramos Two years ago, on September 15th, I apologized to my mother for missing her birthday because a guy I had met in Vegas randomly booked me a ticket to visit him in LA the same day. I promised to celebrate her when I got back the following Monday with several glasses of wine, and assumed...