I'm not "lucky" and I didn't just "get the dream job", I became a full time travel blogger because I tried, and it took A LOT more work than you think!

I'm not "lucky" and I didn't just "get the dream job", I became a full time travel blogger because I tried, and it took A LOT more work than you think!
via The Huffington Post, by Alyssa Ramos While I’m proud to be a part of the millennial movement that skyrocketed solo travel out of this world last year despite societal expectations, I must admit that I don’t exactly do it because I’m “young without that many responsibilities yet” or because I’m single because…let’s not go there. Anyway. My point is that I...
In 2014 I traveled solo for the first time, and decided that traveling the world was all I wanted to do. In 2015 I cut ties with anything holding me back, said f*ck it, worked my ass off, and made it to 10 countries in just one year. But counting countries was definitely not what my goal was. My goal was to really experience new things, and push myself to conquer...
via The Huffington Post by Alyssa Ramos When I tell people I’m a travel blogger, there’s a fairly good chance they’ll either question how I make money from it, or say something along the lines of, “You get paid to travel? How do I sign up for that?” If they say nothing at all, that usually means they think I’m full of shit and have...
They say “you win some, you lose some”, right? Well, I’m not entirely sure who “they” are, but I’d have to say I agree with them. Especially when it comes to friendships and traveling. I’m not saying I was insanely popular before I started traveling, or that I have 0 friends now (side note: ask Siri what zero divided by zero...
via Huffington Post by Alyssa Ramos I suck at dating. I’m not cutey, or flirty, or seductive. I won’t giggle and agree with everything you say, and I’m not afraid to make it known that I have big dreams, and live a bit of an unconventional life, that I f*cking love. I’m not the always-sweet, always-pretty, “Sugar and Spice and Everything...
via The Huffington Post by Alyssa Ramos Do I look like someone who would be capable of camping solo…on a deserted island…that you have to paddleboard to get to? If you answered yes, you’re awesome. If you answered no, ehh, I don’t really blame you, considering that the number one fear I had about my recent road trip was having to camp alone...
via Huffington Post by Alyssa Ramos Up until about a year ago, I would have expected myself to be in a serious relationship right now, and getting engaged in five months, since that’s when I’ll be turning 28. Year-ago-me would have expected to be getting married by 29, and having a baby by 30, because that’s what seemed to be expected by family...
via Huffington Post by Alyssa Ramos I grew up poor, and by “poor”, I mean I had a single mother who made about $40k a year and had four kids to feed, two of which she adopted before I was born, when my birth-father was still around. I remember being self-conscious about not always having new clothes, using...