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Tag - Pinterest

10 Best Things to do in French Polynesia for Adventurers

10 Best Things to do in French Polynesia for Adventurers

French Polynesia was always at the top of my list to travel to because of the fact that it’s a string of mountainous jungle islands in the middle the ocean. Islands in the middle of the ocean obviously translates to beautiful Instagram-worthy tropical destinations, but there was more than just sunny beaches that I wanted to see on these islands in Oceania. UPDATED...

10 Thanksgiving Outfit Ideas For Every Style

Aside from the less nerve-wrecking question of what you’re going to bring to Thanksgiving this year, you’re probably wondering more importantly, what on Earth you’re going to wear! So I scoured through Pinterest like any normal female would do before scouring through my closet, and found these awesome ideas depending on what style look you’re...

How To Carve A Perfect Pumpkin in 5 Easy Steps

How To Carve A Perfect Pumpkin in 5 Easy Steps

by Alyssa Ramos Want to carve the perfect pumpkin but worried it’ll turn up on the list of biggest Pinterest fails?  Don’t worry, unless you are completely artistically inept, you should be able to follow this and carve a pumpkin like a pro. Yes, I think I’m a professional pumpkin carver. 1. Get The Right Tools First of all, DO NOT USE KNIVES. That...

26 Beauty Tricks Every Girl Should Know

Where has this been all my life | 27 Beauty Tricks Every Girl Should Know via Pintutorials  1. Know where to apply your perfume so it lasts all day. 2. This one easy step will make your eyes brighter and more noticeable. 3. Flat-iron your braids to create long-lasting waves. 4. Use pale frosted eyeshadow to get fuller, 3D lips. 5. Paint your skin with elmers glue...

17 Makeup Tips That Really Make a Difference

17 Makeup tips that really make a difference | Steps you’re skipping that you shouldn’t be  via Pintutorials Each of these steps should take you under a minute, but adding one or two of them back into your morning makeup routine could make a big difference! Which of these will you add back in to your routine? 1 Fill In Your Brows Have you ever heard of a...