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Tag - pool party

LA's Hot New Way to Namaste - Poolside Yoga

LA’s Hot New Way to Namasté – Poolside Yoga

by Alyssa Ramos Screw hot yoga, if I’m going to be sweating in Downward Dog (or working out in general), there better be a pool involved. That’s why I was beyond excited when I heard about the hot new workout trend that’s been popping up privately around town – poolside yoga! But I’m definitely not just talking about your average...

Coachella 2014 – Bootsy Bellows Pool Party

by Alyssa Ramos When they opened the doors to the shuttle that took us to the secret, private estate where the Bootsy Bellows party was being held, it was like a rowdy bunch of 20-something year old Kindergarteners, eager to get out to recess in the best adult playground in the world. It literally looked like a party scene from The Great Gatsby except the fashion was...