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Tag - sunset boulevard

LA's Hot New Way to Namaste - Poolside Yoga

LA’s Hot New Way to Namasté – Poolside Yoga

by Alyssa Ramos Screw hot yoga, if I’m going to be sweating in Downward Dog (or working out in general), there better be a pool involved. That’s why I was beyond excited when I heard about the hot new workout trend that’s been popping up privately around town – poolside yoga! But I’m definitely not just talking about your average...

Katana Robata and Sushi Bar

by Alyssa Ramos Katana is one of those restaurants that can be recommended without a doubt to newcomer’s, as well as as a go-to answer for the question, “Where do you want to eat?”. Boasting proudly from it’s second floor patio perch, above a double, slightly curving, stone staircase with a fountain at the base in the middle, Katana is hard to...