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Tag - travel

Real Time Travel Statistics Will Blow Your Mind

As I was browsing the crap out of the internet per usual, looking for statistics on how many solo travelers there are and where people are opting to travel to right now, I found this cool site that offers real time travel statistics that literally change every second! It’s pretty amusing, and definitely interesting, check it out! Travel in Real Time by...

Travel Made Me Do It: 15 Firsts From Traveling in 2015

In 2014 I traveled solo for the first time, and decided that traveling the world was all I wanted to do. In 2015 I cut ties with anything holding me back, said f*ck it, worked my ass off, and made it to 10 countries in just one year. But counting countries was definitely not what my goal was. My goal was to really experience new things, and push myself to conquer...

5 Tips For Using Travel Reward Points

Contributing Author Are you member of multiple hotel loyalty programs? Do you consider yourself a road warrior and pointshound? Are you traveling on the company’s dime? If the answer to these questions is YES, your goal is simple, to optimize all your trips to build or grow your personal stockpile of hotel points. So when it’s vacation time, you’ll...