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Tag - visit

Tasmania – One of the Wine World’s Best Kept Secrets

by Contributing Writer, Greig Santos-Buch Did you know there’s a relatively small and beautiful island tucked away in one corner of the world with upwards of 150 vintners producing beautiful wines? That’s because Tasmania, yes, you heard that right, Tasmania, provides an optional climate for some special grapes intertwined with beautiful scenery. While...

A Perfect Day in Camps Bay

A Perfect Day in Camps Bay

by Alyssa Ramos Not even a Disney movie could have compared to my perfect day in Camps Bay, so I guess I could say that that day, My Life Was A Disney Movie. I mentioned in my very first blog post about living in Muizenberg, South Africa for the week I volunteered with IVHQ and Dreams to Reality that I realized the first day there that there were a few “trip...

Nozawa Bar in Sugarfish – Beverly Hills

by Alyssa Ramos  Chances are that if you live in LA, frequent LA, or are a food connoisseur, you have heard of the legendary Chef Nozawa and his ridiculously amazing restaurant chain of the best sushi you’ll ever eat, Sugarfish. I knew the story behind Chef Nozawa, I was told it many times when I visited the Sugarfish in Studio City (the original location)...