Raise your hand if you want to know how to avoid Airbnb’s high fees! Seriously though, how much does it suck when you think you’ve found a great deal, then when you go to book, Airbnb adds on a couple hundred dollars in fees? No bueno.
While it is slightly more risky to avoid them (and slightly risky for me to even post this), sometimes it has to be done.
That being said, please do not blame me if you need to cancel or something and can’t because it’s not “through” Airbnb. Only take this advice at your own risk and if you accept full responsibility!
Also to protect the hosts I’ve stayed with, I’m not using any photos from my stays 😉
Ok so let’s start!
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Why Are AirBnB’s Fees So Damn High?
Because they’re a successful business with a high demand. So if they want to charge a ton of money to use their platform, they will. Hosts also tend to overcharge for cleaning fees in order to help make back what they lose to the platform for using it.
As for the taxes…this is usually high strictly because of the booking platform. As in the gov wants it to pay for making so much money in their country. If you booked directly with a local host or owner, you wouldn’t need to pay as much. Usually if anything they charge a small occupancy tax fee.
So as you can see, for just 3 days, if you book on the platform, it’s an additional $300…
Benefits of Just Paying the Fees
If you choose to book through Airbnb and just pay the ridiculously high fees, you at least have a few benefits. Usually they involve cancellation and liability coverage. Here’s some of the benefits:
- If you need to cancel or your host requests to cancel, usually Airbnb will help you get a refund for approved reasons
- Airbnb now has “Air coverage” so if you break something or get injured, it is allegedly covered
- You get customer support in case your host is unresponsive. This is new, before it was IMPOSSIBLE to get help
- It’s easier.
How to Avoid High Airbnb Fees Option 1: Book then Pay in Cash
If you’re a risk taker, and you want to save some money, there’s a few ways to avoid these fees.
The first option is to book a night or two (or however many), pay the fees, BUT! Then you get access to the whatsapp number of the host.
Once you have that whatsapp number, you can casually ask if it’s possible to extend your stay and pay in cash.
You already know your potential risks, but keep in mind you need to be SUPER inconspicuous so that you don’t get the host in trouble as well. I’ve done this in several countries, many many times, and it always works.
How to Avoid High Airbnb Fees Option 2: Do Some Stalking
This one takes a little more effort and it’s not always possible. But sometimes you can see the building name in the photos on the Airbnb listing. If you can see it, then google it, and find their contact number. Then you can contact them directly to see if the price is cheaper.
OR, look at the bio of the person hosting. Sometimes they will put a company name, like in Mexico where almost everything is rented through property managers. You can then look that name up and see if they list the same place on their website, sans Airbnb fees.
How to Avoid High Airbnb Fees Option 3: Look Up the Property on Other Booking Sites
One of the other things I will try, is to find the property on another booking platform that’s known for discounts. For example, if I see a listing for an apartment that I can see the name of, I will look it up on Booking.com to see if it’s less on there.
Doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a shot!
Other Tips for Booking OFF Airbnb
As I keep mentioning, if you choose to be sneaky, it comes with risks. So be sure to cover yourself and assume the host will not, especially since it’s off record! Here’s some precautions to take:
- Get your own Travel Insurance in case you need to cancel for a covered reason (usually something serious, can’t be “I changed my mind” or “I suddenly have a weeding to attend”).
- If it’s more than a week or two, consider asking for a rental contract. This might deter them though
- Make sure to tell someone that you’re staying there, just in case!
Please don’t forget! I work extremely hard to produce these free travel guides and posts! If it helped you, or you enjoyed it, PLEASE give it a share on social media, and follow me to keep up with more posts! You’re two minutes of effort truly helps keep my business running! Thank ya!
xx, Alyssa
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