Basically everything you could ever want or need to know about what to do in and out of Havana, Cuba! Includes local tips, secrets, directions, and more!

Basically everything you could ever want or need to know about what to do in and out of Havana, Cuba! Includes local tips, secrets, directions, and more!
by Alyssa Ramos Recently I stumbled upon my “only I can view these” photo albums on Facebook from my Eurotrip in college, and immediately remembered why I had hidden them… Mixed in with all of my awesome sightseeing pictures, are a few very obnoxious ones that made me wonder what the hell I was thinking when I posted them. Oh right, I was young and...
by Alyssa Ramos As expected, Halloween in Hollywood this year was another major production, especially for the Treats! Magazine party that happened last Friday at the historic Los Angeles Theater in Downtown LA. The star-studded event was also in partnership with Utsinger Entertainment, and sponsored by Absolut Elyx and Curbstand, occupied all three floors of the lux...
Nothing that I had planned on doing in the 24 hours I was in Bangkok actually happened. By the time I had finally gotten to Lebua at State Tower (27 hours later from South Africa), Skybar at The Dome was already closed, which was pretty much the only reason why I wanted to stay there. Oh, and not to mention, not only did I lose my debit card already at the airport...
by Alyssa Ramos Screw hot yoga, if I’m going to be sweating in Downward Dog (or working out in general), there better be a pool involved. That’s why I was beyond excited when I heard about the hot new workout trend that’s been popping up privately around town – poolside yoga! But I’m definitely not just talking about your average...
by Alyssa Ramos Although I’d never been there before, Cape Town seemed familiar, as if I’d visited it in a past life or a lucid dream. It might have been due to my extensive research, or my curious project to interview local Cape Town bloggers before arriving, but the map of the town was embedded in my mind like a subconscious thought. It took thirty...
by Alyssa Ramos The way that I was eagerly scanning the upstairs deck for the waitress was comparable to the anxious urgency of finding a misplaced iPhone, but it was an urgent matter, there was only ten minutes left in Happy Hour, and with the way we drink white wine, those ten minutes were vital. Finally one of the scantily dressed model-waitresses came bounding up...
by Alyssa Ramos As we sped down Fountain Avenue in my friend’s new BMW M6 with unnecessary bursts of speed and jolts of braking and swerving around cars, EDM music blaring, and the enviable jingling of the seven Cartier Love Lock bracelets on his wrist, I started to wonder if I made the right last minute decision to go to this supposedly secret comedy show...
by Alyssa Ramos If St. Patty’s Day weekend didn’t rock us all enough, the earthquake last night sure as hell did. In most cities, St. Patrick’s Day festivities consist of going to bars, drinking beers, and taking pictures in your green attire, but in Hollywood, we feel the need to obnoxiously glam it up a bit…as we do for any possible holiday...
This may shock and disappoint you but she was actually very calm and collected. By Alyssa Ramos Like everyone else on the planet, minus the supa freaks, extremists, and people who like things purposely because everyone else doesn’t, I too was appalled and even a little upset when the seemingly sweet and innocent Miley Cyrus hacked off her pretty Hannah Montana...