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Tag - eyes

LASIK Eye Surgery – What It’s Really Like.

Laser Beam To The Eye. by Alyssa Ramos Being the super cool little kid that I was, I started wearing contacts instead of glasses in fifth grade. Seventeen years later, it occurred to me that I had spent $25,000 on contacts and I projected that I’d spend, oh, about $$100,000 more if I planned on wearing them for the rest of my life. I voted no. Although at first...

17 Makeup Tips That Really Make a Difference

17 Makeup tips that really make a difference | Steps you’re skipping that you shouldn’t be  via Pintutorials Each of these steps should take you under a minute, but adding one or two of them back into your morning makeup routine could make a big difference! Which of these will you add back in to your routine? 1 Fill In Your Brows Have you ever heard of a...