Travel gear I use and recommend for what to wear on a flight and what products to pack in your carry-on!

Travel gear I use and recommend for what to wear on a flight and what products to pack in your carry-on!
While planning my trip to Peru to hike the Inca Tail to Machu Picchu, I got sidetracked by these beautiful pictures of hexagon-shaped white plates that covered the ground for miles nearby in Bolivia. Maybe you’ve heard of this intriguing place, it’s called the Uyuni Salt Flats, or for some, the Bolivia Salt Flats. Excited that I’d be nearby (or so...
Getting a good airline is a huge hit or miss, But right now it’s JetBlue that I could metaphorically kiss. My red-eye was cancelled and most people were mad, But since I didn’t want to leave Peru yet, I was far from sad. Sure, it was Christmas, in just five short days, But after how long it took me to get there, I wasn’t ready to part ways. So...
Traveling with pets is ridiculously stressful, especially during the holidays when everyone seems to kick up a few notches of crazy, and airports resemble a herd of confused gazelles, except a lot less graceful. But for most of us, our pets are part of the family, so traveling with them is essential, even if it’s not easy to do. I travel with my dog Oscar...
Fact: The price of flights is the most frustrating, discouraging, and impeding part of traveling. There's even some downsides to cheap flights!
by Alyssa Ramos I never realized that being a proud female solo traveler would translate to “DRUG MULE” until I reached the final TSA customs checkpoint at LAX and immediately got sent to the secondary search line. Since I’m not in fact a drug mule, nor do I do or deal drugs, it didn’t occur to me that when he asked if I was alone or with...
byAlyssa Ramos If “The Packing Procrastinator” were a movie, I’d have the leading role. I have no idea why, but I can never seem to pack for a trip any earlier than a few hours before my plane takes off, which tends to not end well. But I know I’m not the only one. The packing struggle is real for a lot of travelers, which is why it helps to...
by Alyssa Ramos After affordably flying around the world, and more recently, booking flights to New York a day in advance for only $70, I’ve figured out quite a few ways to find cheap flights. If you’re willing to invest a little time and research, you’ll be shocked at how many cheap flights you can find. Here are a few different things to try: 1...
by Alyssa Ramos We’ve all been there — inconveniently hungover on the morning that you’re supposed to be traveling. It sucks. A lot. But it’s not like you’re just going to rearrange your social life so you can be bright eyed and bushy tailed on your flight the next morning! You have to cheers with ALL of your friends, multiple times...
by Alyssa Ramos Once upon a time, flying on a plane to a destination other than your own hometown used to be considered a luxury! Ah yes, taking a flight used to be thought of as so fancy that people would actually dress up for their flights, and look nice, and have manners, and be considerate of others, etc, etc. Now….not so much. I’m not sure if...