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Tag - travel

How Do You NOT Afford to Travel?

by Alyssa Ramos Everyone is always trying to find the cheapest ways to travel, or complaining that they can’t travel because they can’t afford it, OR my personal favorite, questioning me about how I do afford it. Well, it might be your own fault that you can’t afford it, especially if you have expensive taste for handbags or fancy dinners. Even if...

Top 5 Attractive Countries of the World

Top 5 Attractive Countries in the World

Have you ever traveled to certain countries that you just couldn’t help but notice how attractive the people were? Or do you have an attraction for certain features that are relative to certain countries? I mean, you have to notice that some countries are pretty much stereotyped for having hot people, right? Otherwise people wouldn’t have a...

This Girl's Hobby is Extreme Skydiving

This Girl’s Hobby is Extreme SKYDIVING

by Alyssa Ramos People tend to make friends with people who share similar interests, and looking back to my elementary school days, I can definitely say that my best friend and I were always looking for adventures. That’s why now it doesn’t surprise me at all that while I’m on a constant travel adventure, she’s on a constant adventure as...

Time Traveling in Cuba Through My Grandmother's Journal

Time Traveling in Cuba Through My Grandmother’s Journal

Traveling to Cuba was never something I ever considered, even though both sides of my family have their roots there. Growing up as a Cuban-American during a time when there was nothing but tension and hostility towards Cuba made me feel like I should never go there, and well, also the fact that it was illegal for me to anyway. I think my mom once even told me that if...

10 Things to NEVER Say to TSA

10 Things to NEVER Say to TSA

by Alyssa Ramos I never realized that being a proud female solo traveler would translate to “DRUG MULE” until I reached the final TSA customs checkpoint at LAX and immediately got sent to the secondary search line. Since I’m not in fact a drug mule, nor do I do or deal drugs, it didn’t occur to me that when he asked if I was alone or with...

Tasmania – One of the Wine World’s Best Kept Secrets

by Contributing Writer, Greig Santos-Buch Did you know there’s a relatively small and beautiful island tucked away in one corner of the world with upwards of 150 vintners producing beautiful wines? That’s because Tasmania, yes, you heard that right, Tasmania, provides an optional climate for some special grapes intertwined with beautiful scenery. While...

Top 10 Travel PIcs That Scared the Crap Out of My Mother

Top 10 Travel PIcs That Scared the Crap Out of My Mother

  My mom and I are basically living proof that the wanderlust travel gene exists, except for one minor difference; I tend to travel and do things as dangerously as possible. I don’t do it on purpose, but I mean, if there’s a cliff to be climbed or waterfall to jump off of…it’s going to happen. To be fair, her travels in the pre-cell...