Now that I’ve officially been traveling full time for over ten years, I have decided to start a podcast since, well, I have a lot to say about my travels!
I don’t want to make it just about me (but I do have some pretty entertaining stories if I do say so myself) so I’m going to make a mix of story telling, tips, and motivation! If you have any suggestions for topics, or perhaps people to have on, drop me a comment!
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Episode 1: Hi, I’m Alyssa and I Travel For a Living
Link to Episode: Hi, I’m Alyssa and I Travel for a Living
Welcome to My Life’s a Travel PODCAST! I’m Alyssa Ramos from @mylifesatravelmovie, and I was one of the first solo travel blogger/influencers, who has been traveling full time and for a living for over ten years now!
I’m starting this podcast mostly because I can’t use my laptop for 2 weeks while I climb Everest Basecamp, so I’m going to record my travel tips and stories instead of write them!
This first episode will explain how in the f I even started this crazy awesome lifestyle, the struggles of it, and what I plan on talking about next!
If you have any topic recommendations, let me know, otherwise this is what I’ve got so far:
- Travel & Dating in Your 30’s (and How I Met My Fiance)
- How to Fund Your Travels & My Top Hacks for Deals
- How to Deal With Negative, Toxic People Telling You Not to Travel
- Travel Stories: The Girl Who Wears Gowns in Antarctica
- Travel Stories: The Time I Almost Died 4 Times in a Row Traveling Solo
- Travel Stories: The Time I Accidentally Dated a Barcelona Phone Thief
- Travel Stories: Crossing into D.R.Congo to Trek With Gorillas During Covid
Thanks and chat with you soon!
Episode 2: TOP 10 Bucketlist Checks in 10 Years of Traveling Solo
Link to Episode: TOP 10 Bucketlist Checks in 10 Years of Traveling Solo
The #1 question people ask that I can’t answer is “Where is your favorite place?”. So instead, I am going to explain my Top 10 Bucketlist checks I’ve made in the last 10 years of traveling solo, including which ones I do (and don’t) recommend, and how all of them lead up to where I currently am: about to trek Everest Basecamp! Below are links to blog posts that correspond to what I am talking about, and the cover photo is my “bucketlist tattoo” which is the reference of this list!
Below are links to my travel tips, guides, and itineraries for the places I mention in the episode!
- Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
- Iguazu Falls
- Antarctica
- India
- Egypt
- Socotra Island
- D.R. Congo
- Kilimanjaro
- Everest Basecamp
Episode 3: Everest Basecamp Packing & Training
Episode 4: Kilimanjaro VS Everest Basecamp: Which is Harder?
Episode 5: Truths About RELIGION I Learned Through Traveling
Click to Listen: Truths About RELIGION I Learned Through Traveling
DISCLAIMER: this episode talks about alleged facts and (mostly) opinions about religion that might potentially upset some people. Today on Easter I wanted to talk about what led to me being non-religious, and what I’ve learned from traveling that has solidified that decision. And I also had to throw in some info about Easter Island, and why it’s preposterous that we call it that name!
Episode 6: “Don’t Date a Girl Who Travels”: Travel and Relationships!
Click to Listen: “Don’t Date a Girl Who Travels”: Travel and Relationships!
In this juicy podcast episode, I give my view on how it has been trying to have a relationship while maintaining my passion (and career) for travel, and why I think most men CANNOT HANDLE IT!
Plus how I met my now-fiancé, and how it has been trying to “have it all”!
Below are some related blog posts!
- How Traveling Solo Ruined my Dating Life
- The Difference Between Dating Material and Travel-The-World-With-Material
- 12 Tips for Dating Abroad Safely
- Freezing Your Eggs Abroad (In Barcelona)
- I Accidentally Dated a Barcelona Phone Thief
- My Engagement in Italy & How We Met
Episode 7: How I Started Traveling Solo (Plus Juicy Love Stories)
Click to Listen: How I Started Traveling Solo (Plus Juicy Love Stories)
Today I answer a common question: How I Started Traveling Solo, and I promise it’s a lot more complicated and hilarious than “I just booked a flight and went”.
No, no. I had a mid-20’s life crises, and also lost a job and a boyfriend for going, but then ended up falling in love 3 times, and more importantly, falling in love with SOLO TRAVEL!!!
Below are supplemental story links to what I talk about:
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